Section: Dissemination


ENS Paris
  • Undergraduate course (master level, MMFAI) by M. Lelarge and J. Salez, on Information Theory and Coding (24h + 24h of exercise session).

  • Course on Communication Networks (master level, MMFAI) by F. Baccelli, A. Bouillard and A. Bušić (24h + 24h of exercice sessions).

  • Course on Network Modeling (master level, MPRI) by F. Baccelli and A. Bouillard (24h)

  • Undergraduate course (master level, MMFAI) by F. Baccelli, A. Bouillard and P. Brémaud, on Random Structures and Algorithms (35h + 28h of exercise session).

  • Undergraduate exercise session (master level, MMFAI) by A. Bouillard on formal languages, computability and complexity (28h).

ENS Cachan - Antenne de Bretagne
  • Preparation to the oral exams of the agregation of mathematics (computer science option) by A. Bouillard (12h).

UPMC, Paris 6
  • Graduate Course on point processes, stochastic geometry and random graphs (program ”Master de Sciences et Technologies”), B. Błaszczyszyn and L. Massoulié (45h).

  • Undergraduate course onconception of algorithms and applications (Licence Informatique, 3rd year), A. Bušić (24h)

Université Paris 10
  • Preparation to the certification C2i by A. Benabid (36h)

Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
  • Graduate course on simulation (M2 COSY), A. Bušić (6h).

  • Lectures on Clustering, percolation and convex ordering of point processes, during Summer Academy on “Stochastic Analysis, Modelling and Simulation of Complex Structures”, Söllerhaus, Austria, September 2011; http://www.uni-ulm.de/mawi/summer-academy-2011/ by B. Błaszczyszyn (4h).

  • Ecole de Recherche ENS Lyon 10-14 janvier 2011. 25 hours of lectures of F. Baccelli on stochastic geometry.

  • Kyoto University, January 2011, Department of Systems Science, 3 lectures of F. Baccelli on “Stochastic Geometry and Wireless Networks”.

  • Chinese University of Hong Kong, July 2011, EECS Dept., 3 lecture of F. Baccelli on “Stochastic Geometry and Information Theory”.

  • Fields Mitacs Workshop “Probabilistic Methods in Wireless Networks”, August 2011, http://www.fields.utoronto.ca/programs/scientific/11-12/wirelessnet/ . 2 lectures on “Stochastic Geometry and Wireless Networks” by F. Baccelli.

PhD advising
  • PhD: Bruno Kauffmann, “Inverse Problems in Networks”, defended on March 24, 2011; adviser F. Baccelli; see [6]

  • PhD: Van Minh Nguyen, “Modélisation des Liens de Communication Radio et Optimisation de la Gestion de Mobilité dans les Réseaux Cellulaires”, defended on Jun 20, 2011; adviser F. Baccelli; see [7]

  • PhD: Hamed Amini, “Epidémies et Percolation dans les Graphes Aléatoires”, defended on Jun 24, 2011; adviser F. Baccelli and M. Lelarge; see [5]

  • PhD: Justin Salez, “Quelques conséquences de la convergence locale faible pour les graphes aléatoires”, defended on July 4, 2011; adviser F. Baccelli and M. Lelarge; see [8]

  • PhD in progress: Emilie Coupechoux, “Analysis of large random graphs”, started in September 2009, adviser M. Lelarge, F. Baccelli;

  • PhD in progress: Kumar Gaurav, “ Convex comparison of network architectures” started in October 2011, adviser B. Błaszczyszyn;

  • PhD in progress: Mir Omid Haji Mirsadeghi, “Routing on Point Processes”, started in 2009, adviser F. Baccelli;

  • PhD in progress: Mathieu Leconte, “Propagation d'information et recommandations dans les réseaux sociaux”, started in January 2011, adviser M. Lelarge, F. Baccelli;

  • PhD in progress: Frédéric Morlot, “Mobility Models for Communication Networks”, started in 2008, adviser F. Baccelli;

  • PhD in progress: Tien Viet Nguyen, “Random Packing Models”, started in 2009, adviser F. Baccelli.